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Exploring Stripo's Extra Services
Exploring Stripo's Extra Services

This article helps you to tour the Extra Services that Stripo provides.

Elmira avatar
Written by Elmira
Updated this week

Stripo goes beyond the basics, offering a range of extra services to enhance your email creation and delivery experience. Let's delve into the details of each service:

Important note: The extra services option is exclusively accessible with a paid subscription.

Extra Email Client Tests:

What are Extra Email Client Tests? Ensure your emails dazzle on every screen. Stripo's integrated testing tool, partnered with Email on Acid, allows you to test your emails across various platforms and devices.

How to get more:

  • Simply navigate to "Settings" "Billing""Subscriptions";

  • Switch to "Extral Services""Extra Email Clients Tests";

  • And acquire 10 extra tests for $20, valid for a month.

For more information about Email Clients Tests please follow this link.

Extra Export:

What is Export? The "Export" function, a versatile feature within Stripo, empowers users to efficiently transfer their email templates to various destinations, ensuring seamless integration. After dedicating time to craft an exquisite email template, refining design elements, and perfecting text and images, it's time for your audience to marvel at it in their inboxes.

If you find yourself with a bustling month of mailings and deplete your monthly export limit, you can seamlessly continue creating emails and exporting them.

How to get more:

  • For extra exports proceed with the "Billing""Subscriptions" "Extra Services";

  • Switch on the "Extra Exports" in extra service, where 10 exports cost $5;

  • You are able to purchase it by credit card or PayPal.

Please be informed, that extra exports are available in multiples of 10.

The maximum allowable purchase is 50 exports.

For more information about extra export please follow this link.

Extra Timer Views:

What are Timer Views? The Countdown Timer block serves to evoke a sense of urgency, emphasizing that time is limited. Additionally, it proves valuable for building anticipation by counting down to the unveiling of exclusive discounts or offers. This strategy not only sparks curiosity but also maintains interest, prompting individuals to return. As the designated time and day arrive, the timer visually displays zeros, marking the conclusion of the countdown.

How to get more:

  • To purchase extra views as an add-on in the "Billing""Subscriptions" tab;

  • Switch on "Extra Countdown Timer Opens" in the "Extra Services" tab for $15 per 200k views.

  • Keep in mind, that opening an email template with a timer block in the editor reduces monthly views by 1.

For more information about Timer Views please follow this link.

Extra Members:

What are Extra Members? Designed for collaborative work, Extra Members in Stripo allow you to add and manage team members with access to your account. They can be assigned permissions for viewing and editing, streamlining collaboration within your marketing agency.

If your team grows or if you need more collaborators, extra members can be purchased.

How to get more:

  • Please go to the "Billing""Subscriptions" tab;

  • Select "Extra Members" in the "Extra Services" tab and choose the number of members needed;

  • Each extra member costs $7 monthly.

Please be informed that for each tariff plan, you can add the following number of extra members:

BASIC: Allows for the invitation of a maximum of 3 members.

MEDIUM: Allows for the invitation of a maximum of 9 members.

PRO: Allows for the invitation of a maximum of 30 members.

PRIME: Allows for an unlimited number of members.

Please note that the user you want to add to your account must be registered with Stripo.

For more information about Extra Members please follow this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

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