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The Settings tab management

In this article, you will learn more about profile menu functionality in Stripo.

Kyrylo avatar
Written by Kyrylo
Updated this week

Let's find out in which section information about your project is stored. We have divided them into several tabs.


The Profile menu includes 4 sections:

  • Personal information:

Where it helps you to configure your personal data: upload your photo, add first and last names, and phone numbers, and select the interface language for the whole editor.

Also, you can change the current email address to which your account is registered.

To do that, just fill in a new email address in this field.

Please note that a new email address must be free from previous registration in Stripo.
So it means that no other account is tied to this email address.

​After that, an email with a confirmation button for changing the email address will be delivered to your new mailbox, you just have to confirm it.

  • Change password:

Where you can change your password. Insert your current password, then set a new one, and repeat the new password once again.

Please note that the password minimum length is 10 characters, including 1 uppercase and 1 numeric character; you can also use only the following characters for your password: A-Z, a-z, 0-9.

  • Two-factor Authentication:

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to online accounts. With Stripo, you can enable 2FA via an authentication app or email message.

To activate, please switch to "Two-factor authentication" and follow the instructions for your chosen method. You can use both methods simultaneously, with the app as primary and email as backup.

More information can be found in our separate article.

  • Delete account:

If you decide to terminate your account, you can do it in the "Delete Account" section.


The Workspace menu includes 3 sections:

  • Groups:

What is the Group?
The Group feature aids users in categorizing and managing their projects. Each project aligns with a specific group, improving the management process.

Linking a project to a group lets users employ the group's parameters to individual projects. This increases project creation efficiency and ensures consistency across projects, enhancing platform usability.

Group settings allow customization of parameters like merge tags, special links, custom fonts, etc. for all email templates based on customer needs.

How to set up the Group?

  • Please go to the "Groups" tab,

  • Choose the necessary Group or create a "New Group";

  • Select the required group and click on it to see the group settings.

Check this article for more details about Grops and how to configure them.

  • Projects:

What is the Project?
Projects help in organizing work for different customers similar to folders. It comes with varied settings, email template options, participant invitations for collaborative efforts, and customizable project settings for time-efficient email designs.

Project settings involve customization of social networks, merge tags, special links, custom fonts, domain, localization, and more based on customer needs, and the ability to invite specific colleagues to relevant projects.

How to set up the Project?

  • Please go to the "Projects" tab;

  • Choose the necessary Project or create a "New Project" and click on it;

Click here for more details about Projects and how to configure them.

  • Image Storage:

At the "Image Storage" menu, you can configure the Image service.

Stripo storage is connected by default. It has no capacity or time limits. You can use this storage absolutely for free.

Also, you have several options to connect custom image storage for your pics.

For more details, click here.


Suppose you are a Design Agency with a group of designers working on creating emails/templates. In that case, you can create one cooperative paid account and invite your colleagues to this account for collaboration. Agree this will significantly simplify the interaction between your colleagues.

You can add and manage members who can access your account by allowing them to view and edit. This feature is available with MEDIUM (2 members), PRO (9 members), or PRIME (unlimited members) subscription plans by default; for all other packages, you can connect it as an extra option.

How to invite members?

  • To invite users, click on the "Invite member" button;

  • Fill in the email address field, set the appropriate role for the invited members, and configure project access levels. Then, send the invite;

For more details about roles and permissions, please click here.

  • Also, you can use the invitation link. Here you should create an invitation link with selected permissions and send the invitation link to your colleagues on any messenger so they can join your project.

For more information about how to invite users please follow this link.


The billing menu allows you to:

  • Send bills to your finance department, you can specify the financial emails in the field under the "Billing Address & TIN (VAT ID)" section and set your Company Name and check the registration date;

  • "Change the payment method", and click on the "Change Plan" of active subscriptions and "Cancel Subscription" if you would like to;

  • and buy Extra Users, Extra Timer Views, Extra Email Clients Tests, or Extra Export additional services.

More information about extra services can be found here.

  • Receive a bill after the payment, download it in the "Payments History" section;

For more information on how billing works, please follow this link.


Stripo Plugin is an embedded version of editor. It has been created to let you add it to an application you have created and provide your customers with a simple for use drag-and-drop email editor.

You can review more detailed information on Stripo's website.

There is API documentation that can help you with the settings.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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