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Image Storage configuration

This article will provide information on how to set up Amazon, Azure or another image storage in Stripo.

Elmira avatar
Written by Elmira
Updated over a week ago

Image storage is essential for managing and serving images in various applications and services, ensuring that images are accessible and load quickly when needed. The choice of image storage solution depends on the specific requirements, preferences, and existing infrastructure of the user or organization.

What can image formats be uploaded into the editor?

Stripo platform supports images in PNG, JPG, or GIF formats with a maximum size of 3MB. The maximum image resolution is 4000x4000 pixels.

How to configure image storage?

You have several options to connect your own image storage for your pics.

Choose and configure the most convenient way in the "Settings" "Workspace" → "Image storage" menu.

Stripo storage:

Stripo storage is connected by default. It has no capacity or time limits.

You can use this storage absolutely for free.

Custom AWS S3 bucket:

The Custom AWS S3 feature allows you to easily connect your Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to store images.

When choosing this option, you have to fill out the form to set up a connection with your storage. Here is a description of the form fields with specifications regarding what information you need to add to each of them.

Please be sure that the provided account has reading and editing access to your bucket. Look at the Helpers section for more details on configuring your AWS S3 storage and More about AWS credentials.

Azure Blob storage:

Azure Blob storage is a feature that allows you to connect your Azure storage account to store images easily.

To do this, first of all, you need to create a storage account after that, open the settings tab and generate the connection string in your Azure portal account.

Please be advised that you need to copy all the data from the connection string field, including the BlobEndpoint=

Important note: It is crucial to first create the BlobEndpoint= within your Azure account, after which you should add it to the "Azure token" field.

Furthermore, the "Base download URL" field shall remain unpopulated.

Also, please be kindly informed that you should check the "Settings" "Configuration" tab where the "Allow Blob anonymous access" control should be enabled.

Other storages:

We created a way to connect to a custom file system provider (via HTTP protocol) that allows you to use Stripo editor with your file storage, regardless of your technology.

A custom file system provider is an API that allows the Stripo editor to connect your file system to Stripo’s file manager.

If you want to choose Other storage, your server should support 4 types of requests as follows below, and your storage must support chunked-encoding mode.


Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Response: [

- guid - tab identifier with images in the email template.
- url (string) - Mandatory. Absolute URL to the document.
- originalName (string) - Mandatory. Document name.
- uploadTime (long) - Mandatory. Document upload time in milliseconds (unixepoch).
- size (long) - Mandatory. Document size in bytes.
- width (integer) - Optional. Document width in pixels (px).
- height (integer) - Optional. Document height in pixels (px).
- thumbnailUrl (string) - Optional. The absolute url of document preview thumbnail.


Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json

Response: {

with multipart/form-data request body containing fields:
- guid - tab identifier with images in the email template.
- file - the content of the file.
- url (string) - Mandatory. Absolute URL to the document.
- originalName (string) - Mandatory. Document name.
- uploadTime (long) - Mandatory. Document upload time in milliseconds (unixepoch).
- size (long) - Mandatory. Document size in bytes.
- width (integer) - Optional. Document width in pixels (px).
- height (integer) - Optional. Document height in pixels (px).
- thumbnailUrl (string) - Optional. The absolute url of document preview thumbnail.


GET: /info?src=DOC_URL
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


- src - image URL.
- originalName (string) - Mandatory. Document name.
- size (long) - Mandatory. Document size in bytes.

CLONE DOCUMENTS when copying email templates with images

POST: /clone
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

"urls": ["DOC_URL1, DOC_URL2] // array of doc urls that should be copied


- guidFrom - identifier of the tab in the email template, whose images will be cloned.
- guidTo - identifier of the tab in the email template where the images will be cloned.
- urls - array of addresses of images to be cloned.
- sourceKey (string) - URL of the original document that should be copied.
- targetKey (string) - URL of the resulted document that was copied

Basic Authentication is used to send these requests, so please be sure that you specified the correct Login, Password, and API URL in the Stripo Integration menu of your Stripo account.

If you encounter an error when connecting a custom storage:

Sometimes, an error may occur if transfer encoding is not supported. Use our utility to check your storage settings.

You need to download the utility from Github and specify the following parameters:

  1. Set values to bin/

  2. Specify false in the skipTransferEncoding parameter

3. Run sh bin/

This makes it easier to understand what requests are being sent from us, and you can see the logs with it

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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