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What is Group and how to use it?

This article defines the Group meaning and describes how to manage it.

Elmira avatar
Written by Elmira
Updated over a week ago

The Group is a vital organizational feature that allows users to categorize and manage their projects effectively. Every project managed should correspond to a particular group, bolstering the management process.

Binding a project to a group allows users to leverage the group's parameters for each project in the group. This template-like function makes project creation from scratch more efficient, reduces complexities, and ensures consistency in settings across multiple projects, enhancing the platform's overall operability.

The group acts as a strategic tool for smart management and categorization of projects, simplifying project development and making it more coherent and targeted.

The group feature also offers the flexibility of creating several distinct groups, each having its own unique parameters. These groups can serve as templates for the inception of new projects, providing users with a variety of project settings, and adding diversity to project creation.

In the group settings, you can customize such paraments as merge tags, special links, custom fonts, and other settings for all email templates according to your customer's needs.

What is the difference between a Project and a Group?


  • Projects function as dedicated folders, allowing seamless organization of work across different customers or within an organization.

  • Each project serves as a customizable space where you can set specific parameters, catering to the diverse brand styles and requirements of individual customers.

  • Invite participants to collaborate within specific projects, enhancing teamwork and expediting the email template creation process.

  • Projects offer the flexibility for users, even in marketing agencies or diverse organizational structures, to create distinct workspaces. Each project remains private to its participants, ensuring streamlined work regulation.


  • Groups are a vital organizational feature, providing a strategic tool for categorizing and managing projects effectively.

  • Binding a project to a group allows users to leverage the group's parameters across multiple projects, ensuring consistency and efficiency. This function streamlines project creation, reducing complexities.

  • The group feature offers flexibility by allowing the creation of distinct groups, each with its unique parameters. These groups serve as templates for new projects, providing a variety of settings and adding diversity to project creation.

In summary, Projects are where hands-on work happens, customized for specific clients, while Groups provide the organizational structure for efficiency and consistency across multiple projects.

How to use and configure groups?

General information:

  • To configure the Group, please go to "Settings""Groups";

  • Here you can create a "New Group" or highlight a "General" button so that you will be able to access the Group Setting;

  • In the settings mode, you can set a new Group name (mandatory field) as well as set up the language, add a link to your website, specify the industry, and delete a group.

Configuration Options:

Here you can:

  • Hide basic and pre-built templates in the workspace area;

  • Disconnect the "convert line spacing to pixels" option;

  • Turn off the email messages and templates autosaving option;

  • Activate Email client testing. If this service is active, you can customize the number of email clients and devices to make a test of the email test;

  • Enable Image compression. Following export, the magnitude of the images is reduced. The elevated percentage indicates a superior level of image compression;

Support of Outlook:

This option ensures the most accurate display of your buttons in MS Outlook email clients by inserting a special VML-code element.

For your convenience, you can Enable/Disable this option in a project, and it will be automatically set in all emails/templates in the current project.

Please note, that when this option is activated, the email size can be increased up to kilobytes for each added button.

Link shortening:

A URL shortener condenses long URLs into smaller ones. This is useful for emails with character limits, reducing typing from print sources, and aiding recall.

Links shortening is supported with your account. Activate the feature to effortlessly shorten the links that are inserted in the Editor by using your token.

  • Activate the "Shorten Links" option;

  • Paste the "API access token" associated with your account.

More information on how to integrate with the account can be found in our separate article.

Artificial Intelligence:

AI content improver is an AI-powered content editor that quickly and effectively creates high-quality subject lines and hidden preheaders based on your input. It eliminates the need for manual editing and offers creative text options to enhance your email content.

To use the AI content improver in Stripo:

  • Switch the "Groups" "Artificial Intelligence";

Important note, Project settings provide the flexibility to define unique requirements for individual projects, whereas Group settings offer the ability to apply consistent configurations to all projects within the group.

  • Enable "Improve Subject Lines and Hidden Preheader".

Additional details on using AI can be found in our dedicated article.

Style Option:

Stripo makes font customization a breeze, offering you a trio of choices to play with. You've got the standard, reliable web-safe fonts, the stylish nonstandard Google fonts, and the cherry on top—the option to add your very own custom font. It's like having a font playground right at your fingertips.

To proceed with font in Stripo:

  • Switch the "Groups" "Style Option";

  • In the "Font" section, you can edit, enable, or disable the displaying and access the Stripo embedded fonts list, and also, in addition to Email Safe and Available Google Fonts (nonstandard fonts) Stripo fonts, you can add custom fonts to the editor.

So, whether you're into timeless classics, trendy Google fonts, or want to stamp your brand with a unique typeface, Stripo's got the tools to make it happen.

If you're interested in learning more about fonts, please read our separate article.

Social Networks:

You can define default social networks to streamline the process of adding social media links to your email templates and configure it for both individual projects and groups.

Here's how to set your default social networks:

  • Open the "Groups" settings and navigate to the "Social Networks" tab;

  • In the dropdown menu, select the social network you want to add;

  • Paste the relevant link associated with that social network.

Please see our detailed article on how to define "Social Networks".


Dynamic content in emails means personalizing the content for each recipient. This is done using special codes or tags, which we call merge tags or special links.

What are merge tags? The Merge Tag is a piece of code specific to an email service provider that allows you to insert unique user data from your mailing list into emails.

What are special links? Special links are user-specified links that make it easier for the customer to choose and set frequently used links for their buttons or other parts of the templates.

In the Stripo editor used for email creation, you have the option to incorporate personalization custom tags. This enables you to insert individual customer information (like name, surname, and address) or add links for unsubscribing/viewing in the browser, among other specifics.

Please be advised that different email services use their own tags for displaying personalized content based on a requirement. The editor just allows adding merge tags and special links into the body of an email template. When the email template is sent to the recipient, your email service should replace these lines with the recipient's data.

To proceed with the custom tags in Stripo:

  • Switch the "Groups" "Personalization";

  • Here are pre-added popular email service tags such as MailChimp, GetResponse, eSputnik, etc., After exporting an email, the system replaces merge tags with the relevant database data;

  • Besides, you can add custom tags by clicking the "Custom tags""plus" icon if your email service isn't available.

For detailed information about custom tags, please kindly check this article.


Stripo translate service — allows translating emails into all major languages (over 100). Communicate with your customers worldwide in the languages they speak. You do not need to manually re-create an email and translate the text in it, Stripo will do everything for you.

This feature allows to set and manage language locales for emails and templates, as well as simplifying the translation process.

Please keep in mind, the translation feature is available only for paid plans.

To use the Translation in Stripo:

  • Switch the "Groups" → "Localization";

  • In the "Localization" tab you can select the Default language and Additional language(s) for future translations.

  • Add Links to Vendor Translate. Links and image links will be added to the translation file so that translators can replace them for each language version as needed.

Please see our detailed article on how to translate the email template.

Display condition:

The "Display Conditions" parameter allows you to dynamically change the content of the email/template displayed to recipients after mailing, depending on whether the specified condition is met or not.

Please be advised that different email services use their own conditional comments for displaying personalized content based on a condition. Editor just allows adding merge-tags and conditional comments into the body of an email template. In the process of sending an email service that you use for sending should find and replace the conditional comments in the code with real content.

Here's how to set your Display conditions:

  • Switch the "Groups" → "Display conditions";

  • Enable the "Display conditions" function and please click the "Create condition" button to set up the conditions for the email template that will be applied in your email service provider during the sending of the emails.

To find more information about the conditions configuration click on this link.

Custom domain:

Custom domain is especially helpful for companies forwarding email template links to clients for approval, aiming to avoid domain names in the URLs. For example:

To implement this:

  • Switch the "Groups" → "Custom domain";

  • Simply generate the preferred subdomain and perform essential configurations on your server;

  • There are two functions to configure the Subdomain Address.

This feature is accessible with the MEDIUM, PRO, and PRIME pricing plans.

Important note: the "Custom domain" configuration is a more technical aspect compared to other features. Therefore, engaging a System Administrator or an individual proficient in such settings is advisable.

Please follow our separate article to find more information on how to configure Custom domain.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

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We would be glad to talk with you.

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