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Custom domain for email previews

In this article, you will find out how to configure a custom domain for email previews.

Roman Zheliba avatar
Written by Roman Zheliba
Updated over a week ago

What is the custom domain for previews?

Custom domain for email previews is an option available with the MEDIUM, PRO and PRIME pricing plans. It’s especially helpful for companies that send email template links to their clients for approval, so they do not want URL links to contain domain names related to For example:

  • If you want email templates, preview links to start with your domain address, not – just create the desired subdomain, specify it on the project or group settings page, and make basic settings on your server;

Important to note: "Custom domain" configuration is more of a technical feature than all the others, so you may need a System Administrator or another person who is responsible for such settings.

  • Please go to the "Workspace", where you can choose where you would like to add it to the Project or Group, once you have determined, please go to the "Custom domain":

Please be advised that you can configure a сustom domain for each group you have inside your account. Every project inside your group will have one domain name.

For more information about the Project and Group, please find here.

Option 1:
Configuration directly on your Apache or Nginx web servers.

Create a config for the selected subdomain, for example:

In the config file of this domain, specify:

for Apache:

ProxyPassReverse /

for Nginx:

set $auth $http_authorization;

location / {

proxy_set_header Host $host;

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

proxy_set_header Authorization "$auth";


Option 2:
Configuration using the CNAME record created with your DNS provider.

  • Go to your DNS provider’s website (e.g., GoDaddy or Cloudflare, etc.)

  • If you’re choosing a site for the first time, go with one that supports SSL.

  • Create a CNAME (‘canonical name’) record for your custom domain.

  • Set it at Stripo’s host domain:

The applied configuration should look like this

Please be advised that once you save this record with your DNS provider, apply your customer subdomain for email template preview links instead of our address may take up to 1 hour or more; it depends on your DNS provider.

You can find more information:

  • about configuration using a CNAME record created by the DNS provider (for Cloudflare provider only) here;

  • about custom domain configuration for the Microsoft IIS here.

Please note that other users will see your domain name in the email template preview link, but they are still hosted on Stripo servers.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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