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Define default social networks

In this article, you will find more information about how to Define default social networks in the Project/Group.

Elmira avatar
Written by Elmira
Updated over a week ago

In Social networks block you can provide the links to your social networks and help customers to find you or your goods in different apps, for this, you just need to add a suitable social network icon and point to them a link, for example, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

How to add social networks to the email template?

  • Drop the "Social networks" block in your template;

  • Double-click it to activate the settings panel. You will see 4 icons by default;

  • If you want to add more, please click the "plus" button to add extra icons to your email template;

It is the way how to manually add social networks directly to the email template.

However, we also created a way to automate this process without adding a link to the block manually every time.

How to define default social networks?

It helps you set a list of social media for the Social networks block to display the desired media list when the "Social Networks" block is used in editor mode. This will save you time by adding links to your social networks. This can be automated with the "Projects" or "Groups" (you can set up it for both) β†’ "Social network" tab.

Important note, Project settings provide the flexibility to define unique requirements for individual projects, whereas Group settings offer the ability to apply consistent configurations to all projects within the group.

  • Switch the "Workspace", here you can choose where you would like to add it to the Project or Group, once you have determined, please go to the "Social Networks";

  • In the drop-down menu, please select the social network you want to add and paste the relevant links;

  • Click the "Plus" icon to open more social media icons.

  • After adding the social networks in the desired order and applying links to them, you can check the correctness of the added Social Networks when adding a "Social Network" block.

  • As we can see the links were added automatically as well as icons.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

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