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How to create an email template with Stripo?
How to create an email template with Stripo?

In this article, you will learn what are the steps for making a template in Stripo?

Oleh Tokariev avatar
Written by Oleh Tokariev
Updated over a week ago

Stripo is a platform that allows you to build engaging, high-quality emails of any complexity in no time, with no coding skills.

In this article, we will learn how to create adorable email templates with Stripo.

Also, we have created an ACADEMY course where you can learn how to work in the Stripo platform and create high-quality emails in practice.

To take the course, you should have a Stripo account. Please follow this link to register for the course.

How to build an email with Stripo?

There are 4 ways to build your first email template with Stripo:

  1. Editing one of the 1450+ prepared email templates;

  2. Editing one of the basic templates, including building templates from scratch;

  3. Coding your own one;

  4. Drag and drop and edit our pre-built modules.

To use any of the aforementioned options, in the "Email Messages" tab, you need to click the "New message" button.

And choose the way that you find the most convenient for yourself:

1. Editing one of the 1450+ prepared email templates.

This is the easiest and probably the most convenient way of building emails. In the "Prepared templates" tab, you will get inspired by the design of existing templates. You only need to choose the template you like, customize it to fit your brand design best, insert your URLs, and replace our images/texts with yours. That’s it. Your email is ready!

It works the best for email marketers that need to create many emails per day.

With BASIC, MEDIUM, PRO, and PRIME subscriptions, you have an opportunity to use our PREMIUM templates, which are designed in unique styles by our designers.

Besides, for more convenience, you can filter templates by type, season, feature, and industry or choose the newest templates.

Once you have decided on the template, you need to click on it, and a new window where you can edit, view, and test your templates will open.

2. Editing one of the basic templates, including building templates from scratch.

In the "Basic Templates" tab, you will find:

  • an empty template;

  • "My HTML" template that allows you to paste your custom HTML code;

  • training template — there are lots of prebuilt structures in it;

  • master template;

  • 5 categories of email templates. They are as follows: Promo, Info, Business, Trigger, and Transactional.

In any of the templates, you can adjust, change, and remove content at your own discretion. You can also save structures, containers, or stripes as Modules to reuse them in your future email campaigns.

3. Coding your own HTML template.

Stripo offers an open HTML code editor where professional coders can build a totally unique email. This option is also useful when you need to import a custom email template into Stripo and adapt it to the editor, making it editable.

This option suits the worldly-wise designers best.

Please follow this link to read instructions on how to adapt a custom HTML code to activate the drag-and-drop functionality.

4. Drag-and-drop and edit our pre-built modules.

"Pre-Built" modules are a collection of different blocks. You can combine them to create new emails for different purposes and use them repeatedly.

Our library consists of a considerable number of already prepared modules that our designers have thought to the smallest detail. These modules are elegant and attractive; some contain pre-configured smart or AMP elements.

You can use these advanced modules as a basis for similar elements of your emails by replacing their content with your own.

The collection is replenished every day and has more than 250 modules. All these modules are at your disposal. You can find them in the "Content" → "Modules" → "General Modules" tab.

To use any of them, just pull them into your email template, and click on the block you want to edit.

Are you ready to learn how we can create an email template with Stripo?

Appearance menu:

I offer to start from the Appearance menu because all the styles you set in the "Appearance" menu will apply to the entire email.

You set design styles for a certain element just once, and these design styles will apply to this element across the entire email no matter how many times you are gonna use it. And there will be no need to work on its design every time from scratch.

This will save you a lot of time when editing the entire email template, and you will not need to change it in parts by clicking on each element separately.

In the "Appearance" menu, you can get access to the following settings:

  • General settings;

  • Stripes;

  • Headings;

  • Buttons;

  • Mobile Formatting.

General settings:

In this tab, you work on your email design styles:

  • set a "Message width". By default, the message width is 600 pixels. Today, this is the most standard size among all email clients;

  • set a "Message Alignment" that allows you to change the horizontal position of an email in the workspace of the inbox. You can align the template's position to the left or right edge of the screen, or keep it centered;

  • set "Default padding" for the fixed padding size for future structures that you add to your email message in the future;

  • add the general "background-color" of the whole email template as well as the "background image";

  • choose a "font" that will be applied to all "Text" blocks in the email except for Headings. You can choose any standard or custom font from the list;

  • customize "Line spacing". It is a distance between the text lines in text blocks. You use them to give your email a more formal or informal style — this is totally at your discretion;

  • turn on the "Paragraph bottom space";

  • enable the "Underline links" control helps you enable or disable links underlining for the entire email.

  • activate the "RTL text direction" option that allows you to write texts from right to left. Meant for those who write emails in Arabic, Urdu, and other languages that use the RTL script. ​​Enable this option to make your texts, including numbers and punctuation, readable for people worldwide;

  • manage "Responsive design" — this option is always ON by default. If you turn this option OFF, your email on mobile devices will look just like it does on desktop devices.


Stripe is the email message area containing structures, containers, and basic blocks. Below, we will show you how to work with the stripes.

To add stripes, click the "+" icon at the bottom left corner of the stripe.

Every stripe might have its type: Header, Content, Footer, Info area. You can set it manually in the "Message area" settings.

Using different types of stripes can be helpful for advanced adjustments.

In the future, the stripe design styles will directly depend on their area.

You will be able to:

  • set individual font sizes for each stripe (it is especially necessary for the "Footer" stripe, where small fonts are more preferred);

  • set the font and link colors;

  • also, highlight the stripe; here, you can set its content with a color. This is especially useful when you want to draw users’ attention to a certain email element;

  • the "Background image" option is another way to help you customize the background. It is required when according to the corporate, there should be images in the background or backgrounds with a logo.

Please note: Some email clients, like Outlook, may not display a background image. Therefore, we recommend that you set a background color for the entire email as a fallback. The color should be close to the color of the background image.


Sometimes we need to highlight certain words or entire sentences to emphasize the importance of information or just visually separate email sections.

This is when Headings help. To apply headings to a certain part of the text, we need to highlight the text and choose a necessary heading in the text formatting menu.

Then, in the Settings panel, you set the necessary font type, size, style, and color for the headings as well as line spacing.


Buttons in emails are always a call to action. They invite users to go to the website, place an order, follow on social media, leave a comment, vote for the best product, etc.

The button menu allows you to set some default parameters that will be applied to all buttons in the email, so you can set:

  • font size, font style, and color;

  • button color;

  • border-radius;

  • the full content border, or do it separately for each side with an option to customize the border color;

  • internal padding;

  • activate the "Highlight hovered buttons" styles and set hovered colors. The button colors will change when you hover the mouse over it;

  • the "Support of Outlook" control allows improving buttons displaying in Outlook by inserting a special VML-code element.

Mobile formatting:

Responsive email design comes as no surprise today, as we all know that mobile-friendliness, aka mobile optimization, is no longer just nice to have; it’s a must.

To make your emails fully legible across any device, you can apply font sizes to headings, to different stripes, to buttons, etc., that differ from the desktop version of your email. You can also work on internal paddings inside containers and hide/disable certain elements on mobile devices.

To do so, you need:

  • go to the "Appearance" tab;

  • open the "Mobile formatting" section.

  • apply font sizes to headings H1, H2, and H3 and to different stripes;

  • set button text size. 18px or higher is the most optimal size here;

  • enable the "Full-width buttons" option to fit the button on a user’s mobile screen.

All emails that you build with Stripo are responsive by default.

The option allows the image to adjust to the width of the mobile device's screen. Warning: Adaptivity only works on devices that support it.

However, you can disable the "Responsive image" design for some email elements.

While building an email template, you will be shown a mobile icon. This means that you can adjust the element for the mobile display by clicking on it.

For example, configure padding for the mobile view:

If you want to hide some elements on mobile devices, you don’t have to cope with HTML code anymore as now there is the "Hide on mobile" option in the Stripo editor.

With this option on, you literally forbid certain elements to display in the mobile version of your email.

Content menu:

We have finished with our general settings and applied common styles to our email template.

This will save you a lot of time when editing the entire email template, and you will not need to change it in parts by clicking on each element separately.

Move on!

How to add a logo/image to an email template?

There are three ways of doing it:

1. Dropping/uploading image.

Here, you can just drag and drop the image you are about to use for your campaign or upload it from your computer by clicking the "arrow" and selecting the very image from your computer.

Please, be aware you can upload images in JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats with a maximum size of 3 Mb and image resolution of 4000 х 4000 px.

2. Pasting an external URL.

If you do not have the banner image saved to your computer, you are welcome to insert a link to this image on the web.

Paste the link to your image in the "External link" field.

If you are going to use this image just once, in the dropdown menu, choose the "Leave as external link" option (as shown in the example above) and click the tick.

If you are going to use this image for other email campaigns, click the "Project" tab above, insert the link, choose the "Download to the gallery" option, and click the tick.

3. Using images from the personal gallery.

When you upload images to the gallery, as shown in the example above, your images are stored in your personal gallery. You just need to switch to the "Email or Template" tab.

Images here are sorted by the dates, the most recent the oldest ones.

If the list of images is too long, you may search by its name.

You need to click on the selected image to use one in your current email template, which will automatically appear in your email.

If you put an image into the folder "Project", you will see it available in all email messages and templates of that project. You can save an image here if you are going to use it in many email messages and templates of the current project:

Please find the "Common" and "Stock" tabs in the Image Gallery.

In the "Common" tab, you may find images for any event.

In the "Stock" tab, you search for a necessary image. Just type in your search query, and the system will you the images that meet it.

In the previous paragraph, we showed how to upload and store images.

But how can you edit images with Stripo?

  • once you’ve uploaded the image, in the settings panel, to the right of the image snippet, click the "magic wand" button;

  • in a new pop-up window, your image will be opened with the Pixie editor;

  • here, you can apply filters, resize and crop images, draw over them, put any text over them, add stickers and frames, and apply backgrounds;

  • when you’ve done editing, click "save" in the Pixie editor — only then will the changes you’ve made to the image be applied.

Additionally, working with the "Image" block, you can:

  • insert a hyperlink that takes readers to your website;

  • add alt text to the image;

  • center alignment is set by default. If you need to change it, click "left" or "right" alignment. Also, you can set alignment for mobile by clicking on the Mobile icon;

  • set the image size — my image’s width is 600 px;

  • enable the "Responsive image" option;

  • set padding for desktop and mobile view.

How to add an image rollover effect to an image?

The image rollover effect helps you entertain and engage customers. Moreover, it saves you precious space in emails, as you can hide product details behind its photo. You can also play games with recipients by making them "search" for the coupon, etc. There are many reasons why you need to add an image rollover effect to your emails.

To activate this effect, toggle the "Rollover effect" button and upload the second image — edit it if necessary.

Important to note: The image rollover effect works on desktop devices. Other users will see the primary image only.

This feature works in a limited number of email services: Yahoo! Mail,, AOL, Gmail, iCloud Mail, Outlook 2003, macOS Apple Mail.

Let's work on the images but with more features. In this case, the "Banner" block will help us.

It is said that the banner is the face of your newsletters. Hence, you need to work thoroughly on it.

The banner always grabs the users' attention. Most often, it delivers the main offer of the email.

Perfect Button Size For Your Email Message

Our email banner generator works as a mini-photoshop. When the banner is finished, it is like a picture, and when you’re editing the banner, it breaks down into layers and filters.

How to build an email banner with Stripo?

  • drag the "Banner" block into a 1-column structure in your template;

  • click on it to open the settings panel;

  • add your main image;

  • choose the orientation;

  • use the "Banner height" control to set your own height of the banner cropping area;

  • paste a link that will take recipients to the place related to the value offer described on the banner;

  • enter alt text — this text will be shown to recipients if images for some reason cannot be displayed;

  • choose filters;

if you need to place any text over the banner image, click the "T" button on the settings panel above. Once it gets light, you need to left-click this image again;

  • the very moment, you’ll see the "Caption" inscription on the banner;

  • erase this inscription and enter your text here;

  • set font size, font color, and font type;

  • among the banner fonts, choose the one that fits your email best;

  • toggle the "additional picture" button in the settings panel. It can be anything you like: sticker, frame, logo, background to make your copy more noticeable, etc. Yes, you can place text over it :)

Important to note: Once your banner image is added, you can make all the editing steps in any order you like. For instance, insert an additional image, add text, and only then apply fonts.

The magic begins when you finish working on your banner and click on any other email object. All the layers, aka elements, get together inside the block and make the banner. The banner will be mobile-optimized.

How to add a video to an email template?

If you would like to add a video to your email to make it more interactive, the best way to do it is to use the "Video" tool in the Stripo editor.

The "Video" block allows you to create a beautiful thumbnail image for your video, which contains a link to the video itself and the video's title.

How to create a thumbnail with a link to a video?

  • In order to create a thumbnail image for your video, simply add the block "Video" to an email. On the right panel, paste the link to your video in the field "Link to Video":

It is important to notice that the video block supports only YouTube, Vimeo and TikTok videos.

  • Done. Our editor will now generate a thumbnail image, add the link to the video, as well as the "Play button" and the video’s title:

The panel Video block allows you to customize the thumbnail’s appearance: you can add your own thumbnail image, change the Play button, change the title, etc.

How to embed a video player right into an email?

Most email clients don't support playing a video directly in an email.

However, there are a few email clients that let users enjoy watching videos in emails if we add an HTML5 player: so far, it’s Outlook 2011 and 2013 for Mac OS, and AppleMail on MacBook, iPhone 7, 8 and X.

In order to embed the HTML5 player, your video clip must be uploaded to your own server in the formats MP4 and WEBM.

Please follow this link to find detailed instructions on how to embed a video player right into an email.

Done, we have learned how we can work with images in the Stripo editor; let's discuss how to add text to the email template.

There is no email that goes without any text in it. With the texts, you inform users about any events, sales, etc.

How to add text to your email with Stripo?

  • drop the 1-column structure into your email template;

  • drop a "Text" block into it, or click the "Text" icon right in this structure;

  • enter your text;

  • a block can contain both regular texts and headings. To apply a heading to a piece of text, you need to highlight it with the mouse pointer or triple-click on the entire text block, and then pick the format in the "top panel" tab at the beginning;

We already know that it is better to start working on an email design in the "Appearance" tab. Please be advised that when you select a block separately, you will open two Settings panels simultaneously: The sidebar and the top text formatting menu.

In the sidebar, you can set the text color or background color for the entire block and alignment, line spacing, and additional indents.

In the text formatting menu, which is located at the top of the page, you can Improve your text using artificial intelligence AI, work on the AI text styles, and Fixed Height where you can apply the needed height of the block without using the Code Editor and set the alignment for it, Headings, Paste links, Increase/decrease Indent, Add merge-tags, Symbols, Emojis, Tables and Bullet lists.

So how to add links to text with Stripo?

We all use links to explain an unclear word or if we want to convey more detail to our readers. In this article, you will learn how to do this with Stripo.

To add a link to text, highlight the necessary word/text and click the label "Chain" in the top Settings panel.

Then, select the link type (protocol) that fits best in the left settings menu and insert its data.

How can I add Indent to the text block?

To add an indent to text, highlight the necessary word/text and click the label "Increase Indent" in the top Settings panel.

You can click as many times as you need to achieve the desired design.

In addition, you can "Decrease Indent" in the text block by clicking the label at the top Settings panel.

How to add merge tags (personalization tags) in the email template with Stripo?

The merge tag is a piece of code specific to an email service provider that allows you to insert unique user data from your mailing list into emails. For emails created in the Stripo editor, you can add personalization tags (Merge tags), which allow you to add the name/surname/address and other customers' personal data individually.

Click on the text block and select the desired Merge tag in the top settings panel;

In this section, the most popular email services tags like MailChimp, GetResponse, eSputnik, etc. are already added, so after you export an email to the system you use, merge tags are automatically replaced by the data stored in the database of the corresponding service.

  • Switch the "Projects&Groups", here you can choose where you would like to add it to the Project or Group, once you have determined, please go to the "Personalization";

  • You have the option to enable/disable these built-in dynamic tags;

  • You can add custom merge tags if your email service is unavailable. To do this, just open the project settings and add the needed custom tags by clicking on the "plus" icon;

  • Once added, they can be found in the same menu where the rest are, under the "Custom tags" title.

Please refer to this article to find more information about merge tag configuration.

How to build a CTA button with Stripo?

The button is a very important element that affects your CTOR (click-to-open rate). Without a button, customers can’t buy from you or get registered with you.

  • drop the basic "Button" block into your template and put it right next to the necessary element;

  • click the "Button" block in the template to activate the Settings panel;

  • insert a necessary URL link;

  • enter your button text, aka button label;

  • set text styles, including the font style and text size, and also set button and text colors as well as background color;

  • add border-radius;

  • apply a fixed height where you can apply the needed height of the block without using the Code Editor and set the alignment for it.

  • apply the hover effect to the button if you like.

In this screenshot, the "button color" stands for the primary color, the highlighted button color stands for the color your users see when you move the mouse over it, and the text color stands for the font color.

You can activate the "Highlight hovered buttons" in the Appearance tab and edit the color in the Content tab (Button block);

  • adjust the button to width;

  • set the button border if you like;

  • set internal paddings. They are responsible for the space inside your button. Due to the button layout method chosen by Stripo, it does not matter where exactly in the button your customers click. This space is also clickable, yet it makes the buttons more appealing and clear;

  • set external paddings — they are responsible for the whitespace outside the button, but within the container it is located in. You can apply different external paddings for mobile only by clicking on the mobile icon.

  • also, you can add an icon to the button. The feature is not supported for Windows Outlook 2002, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.

Be sure to enable the "Support for Outlook" option if you know that some of the recipients use Outlook. This option ensures the most accurate display of your buttons in MS Outlook email clients by inserting a special VML-code element. When this option is activated, the email message size can be increased up to kilobyte for each added button.

How to add a spacer to your email?

The spacer doesn't boost conversions or anything else. It's just a decorative element that makes emails look orderly and enhances the content perception.

  • drag a 1-column structure into your HTML email template;

  • pull the "Spacer" block in it;

  • double-click it to open the settings panel;

  • pick a color and choose a line style. It can be solid, dashed, or dotted;

  • set a necessary "thickness" of the spacer. To do it, you need to set a digital value in the "Border" field by increasing or decreasing the value;

  • set width — the width here is measured in % by default and you can switch it to px as well;

  • set width — the width here is measured in %, not in pixels!

  • specify spacer alignment. By default, center alignment is set. If you like, please change it in the "alignment" section;

  • toggle the "responsive spacer" button for a spacer to render properly on mobile devices;

  • make it dynamic to change the size by dragging it manually;

  • apply the background color of the block;

  • if necessary, set padding.

How to add social media icons to an email template?

Quite often, emails have the "Follow us on social media" block in emails. These blocks normally have social media icons with links.

You can add them to your emails with the "Social" block:

  • Drag the "Social" block into your email template;

  • Pick a design style you like;

  • Choose necessary icons;

  • Paste your URLs;

  • Double-click it in your template to activate the settings panel;

  • By default, you will see 4 icons. If they are not enough, click the "plus" button to add extra icons to your email;

  • In the settings panel, next to the social media icon, toggle the "more" button to start working with this particular social network;

  • Insert respective URL links;

  • Enter Title and Alt text;

  • Set style for these icons and their size;

  • Set the paddings, alignment, and indents between the icons;

  • Furthermore, you are able to add your own social icons. To do that, pick up the "Custom icons" type and upload your icons:

Important to mention this way, you can overlap all social icons.

Therefore, if you want to keep the standard icons and, for example, load only one custom icon, then the second method will suit you.

  • Click on the "+" sign and choose the "Custom icon" :

How to add a countdown timer to an email template?

The main purpose of a countdown Timer block is to create a sense of urgency and give the feeling that "time is running out".

In addition to this, it could be helpful to count down to when a particular discount or offer becomes available. It can generate curiosity and keep people interested and coming back. At the specified time and day, the timer will show zeros.

  • drop the 1-column structure into your template;

  • drop a "Timer" block in it;

  • left-click this container in an email template to activate the settings panel to work with the timer;

  • set the end date and exact time;

  • set the time zone;

  • set a timer background color that fits your email design best;

  • make changes to the numbers' size and color if necessary. Initially, Stripo applies the parameters that you specified when making general settings;

  • Toggle the "Display days" button if you want recipients to see how many days are left. Otherwise, they will see just hours and minutes. "5 days 20 hours" are easier to percept than "140 hours";

  • change the date style if necessary. By default, we use ":" (colon) to separate days from hours, minutes, and seconds. You can also set "-" and "/" or others;

  • toggle the "number labels" button to display names "days", "hours", "minutes" and "seconds" under respective numbers;

  • set color, font type, and size to the labels;

  • toggle the "Expired Timer Image" button. Upload the image (as explained in the respective paragraph) that will be shown to customers once the timer expires. This is optional, yet we strongly recommend doing it — this will you will inform recipients the coupon is expired and they cannot use it any longer;

  • insert a URL link that will take recipients either to your website or to a particular page on your site when you describe the value offered in the details. This link will be applied to the "Expired timer image" as well;

  • specify alt text for accessibility;

  • use "Advanced settings" to set up the labels and digit colors for days, hours, minutes, and seconds;

Please, find more ideas and inspirational examples in our blog post: How to add a countdown timer in your email.

How to add a menu block to an email template?

Normally, the "Menu" block is used in the email header to quickly take users to a necessary page on your site. As a rule, menus also contain a company logo.

Users can be redirected to a website or another element inside the email when they click on a menu tab.

  • drag the "Menu" block into your template;

  • add extra menu items if you like. By default, Stripo offers three of them;

  • now in the settings panel, you need to choose whether to use icons, links, or both. "Icons" stand for the images in the menu; while "links" stand for the names of the menu tabs;

  • once you select the links type, which I did, you will see that the color and font of your links that you previously set in the "General settings" section are already applied to the menu links. I made them bold by clicking the "B" icon in the settings panel;

  • now you need to name each menu item;

  • insert necessary URL links;

  • do the same for all menu items;

  • if you want to hide some elements for mobiles, just click the "Hide on mobile" icon;

  • finished with naming menu items? Then take a look at what you’ve received. In my opinion, the menu looked small, so I decided to set a bigger font for it — I set "18";

  • if you choose the "Icons and links" type, please pick one of the alignments for it and upload your icons.

  • Besides, you can enable the "Adaptive menu" control that gives you an opportunity to display menu items one below the other for the mobile version.

How to embed custom HTML code in emails with Stripo?

Sometimes it is impossible to create an email using the editor tools following your design ideas. In this case, you can add HTML code with your own solution.

  • drop the 1-column structure in your email template;

  • drop a basic "HTML" block;

  • click the "Insert your HTML in the Code editor" to open the Code editor;

  • in this editor, paste the embed code;

  • customize it if necessary.

How to add an AMP Carousel block to an email template?

The amp-carousel component creates a carousel for displaying multiple images. You can customize the carousel's appearance and behavior by modifying its properties.

Enter your email template and drag the "Carousel" block into it;

  • add the desired number of slides by clicking on the "Add slide" button to add a new image;

  • enter "Alternate text" and paste a link to the relevant slide if you need it;

  • if you want only one common link for all slides, activate the "General link" control and add the corresponding link to all slides at once;

  • check if the sizes of all images match. If they do not, crop them with our photo editor;

  • if you want to see small preview images, you need to toggle the "Display preview" button. And set up the width for these preview images;


  • set the "Slide preview" to top or bottom;

  • adjust the "Preview alignment" and add a "Border radius preview";


  • set "Outline style of active preview slides" and "Outline style of inactive preview slides";


  • besides, you are able to set up "Indent between preview" images;

  • if you would like to make the slide round, then you can do it here with the function "Border radius slide";


  • furthermore, you can set your own "Custom preview".

To do this, please activate the "Custom preview" control and choose which type of preview suits you:

Image preview type:

It means that you have the ability to upload your own preview image;

Color preview type:

It means that you have the ability to choose what color should be displayed in the preview;


  • additionally, if you would like slides to change automatically, please activate the "Autoplay" option and set a time delay. For example, slides will be automatically changed every 2 seconds, or you can choose a convenient time for you, max 10 seconds;

  • also, you can activate the "Loop" option (slides can be switched in a circle);

  • done:) AMP carousel is ready!

How to add an AMP Accordion block to an email template?

The Accordion block allows you to open/hide some pieces of the content when being clicked on. This element enables saving space and does not distract the customer with the information they may not need.

  • enter your email template and drag the "Accordion" block into it;

  • add the needed number of sections to the accordion;

  • give all sections' names. You can enter up to 200 characters;

  • now enable the "Auto-collapsing accordion" option. It allows you to show one section at a time. When you open any other section, the previously opened one is closed.

  • you may want one section to expand in your emails to let your customers know there’s some content hidden in these sections. To do so, please toggle the "Expanded" button for the necessary section;

  • the "Animated expansion" option is ON by default. It activates the "transition" property, allowing your sections to open and close slowly. If it does not need it, you can always turn it OFF by toggling the button;

  • now you can customize the accordion design;

Set the background color, outline width and color, section text color, and font size.

Important to note: now you are working on the accordion’s section design.

In other words, this is what customers see when the accordion is not expanded;

  • after that, fill those sections with your content;

It can be anything like images, text, buttons, banners, social media icons, videos, etc.

  • result.

How to add a Feedback Form to an email template?

AMP-form is very useful for those who would like to receive feedback or any other useful information from their clients.

  • drag the AMP-form block into your email template;

  • click on the ⚡HTML icon in the template to open its settings;

  • in the settings panel, you should select your service for collecting data created earlier (or add a link to the storage manually);

  • then click the "Add form element" and select "Text input";

  • there you can choose Text, Multi-line text, Number, Email, or Phone type;

Important note:

Difference between "Text" and "Multi-line text":

If you choose the "Text" type - your recipient's response can only be written in one paragraph.

If you choose the "Multiple Text" type - your recipient's response can be written in multiple lines. So, when you press an "Enter" button on your keyboard, you will be moved to a new line.

  • click on the "Label name" in the form to start editing it;

  • in the settings panel, in the "Show input field name" field, enter your CTA text that starts the form;

  • enter your "Placeholder".

How can I find out which customer left a comment?

To do this, you should:

  • click on the ⚡HTML icon in your template;

  • then add a form element and select the "Hidden field". This field will be hidden in user emails;

  • paste a "Default value" in the field. The default value is the merge tag that retrieves the respondent's email address.

To find more information about Merge-tags, please follow this link;

  • then enter a name for your "Variable"this will just help you find your user's feedback in the report faster. The variable can only be written in Latin.

How can I design the AMP-form block?

To design this form, you need to:

  • to design the form itself, click on the "AMP-form" and in the settings panel, set label/input color and style, input height, add a background with a shadow, and set a border;

  • to design a button in the form, click on it and set the button label, text type and color, button color, border radius, borders, alignment, set background color, and add an icon to the button;

  • click the green area in your template and edit the text right there. Color for each section — by default, they are green and red — and text color should be set in the settings panel.

Result in the preview:

Creating a new Data Service:

After you create the Feedback form, you should configure your server to handle the requests of recipients, more details on how to configure data service are in our article.

So we sorted out 3 AMP blocks with you. However, it's important to mention that not all possible email services and clients support AMP functionality.

Here is an official Google page

Here you can check which email support services send AMP emails and which email providers have AMP support content.

Currently, this is the list of ESPs that do support sending of AMP emails:

In order to export a finished AMP email, please click on the Export button in the Stripo editor, choose "AMP support", and you will be able to export the AMP email directly to your ESP.

If you see that your ESP is not listed but it supports AMP technology, then you should export the email as AMP HTML — this export method saves the scripts that are appropriate for the MIME type. Import this file into the ESP that supports Google AMP for emails.

Please be informed that only 4 email clients (GMAIL, YAHOO, MAIL.RU, FAIREMAIL) support displaying AMP content as recipients.

We have examined the work of all basic blocks and built an email template.

However, it often happens that we can use the created email content directly in other emails as well.

Modules are universal elements of an email template (containers, structures, stripes) that help reduce the time it takes to create an email. And Stripo platform allows you to create your own modules.

Modules allow you to save stripes, structures, and containers to modify (if needed) and reuse them over and over.

How to save a custom module?

  • to save a module, hover over the desired element and press the "Save as module" button;

  • give the module a name on the settings panel;

  • enter a description (optional), the description will later help you understand what content this module contains;

  • select a category for easy search;

  • enter tags. The "Tags" field allows you to group the saved modules by tags. You can add one or several tags. Then, choosing the modules, you will see that your modules are grouped by tags;

  • click "Save";

  • having done that, your module is available in the "Modules" "My modules" tab; even more, the module will also be available from other email messages and templates in your project. For further use, just drag and drop it to email.

Please take a look at this page to find more information about the module's configuration.

How to add a subject line and hidden preheader to an email?

If you would like to summarise the provided information in your email, a subject line and hidden preheader will help you.

This is the perfect way to expand the subject line of an email, explain the essence of an email, or announce a sale.

To set it for your email, switch to the "Settings" menu on the upper panel and insert the desired text in the "Subject/Title" and "Hidden Preheader" fields.

How to add UTM tags to an email template?

UTM tags (aka UTM codes or UTM parameters) help you measure the impact of each particular traffic source or marketing channel and see which advertising campaigns bring you less revenue.

If you want to quickly respond to any change in the website traffic and reallocate your advertising budget, UTM tags are a must-have.

UTM codes are bits of text you can add to a link that tell Google Analytics (as well as other analytics tools) a little bit more information about each link. Here’s a sample of what one looks like:

Following this link, you can learn more about adding UTM parameters via Google Analytics.

With Stripo, you set them easily. So to do this, you need to:

  • open an email template and click on the "Settings" icon at the top right corner to open the template’s settings;

  • enable the "UTM tags" control;

  • following the Google Analytics documentation, write UTM parameters for analytics in the provided fields, which will be able to recognize and evaluate them.

How to add custom UTM tags to the email template?

If you want to add your own UTM tags using other analytics tools, you have the ability to add custom UTM tags.

To do that, enable the "Custom UTM tags" control, which is also available in the "Settings" menu. Then give a name and paste a specific UTM tag/value.

Please be advised that all the added UTM tags will be applied to all links you’ve used in your email.

If you want to add the UTM tag to a specific link (not to all links in the email), manually add the UTM tag directly to the desired link.

How to highlight emails with Google Promotional Annotations?

Google provided marketers with a great tool for promotional campaigns in the Gmail app. Emails that get to the Top Deals (Top Picks) section of the Promotions tab can be brought to life by adding annotations.

Before opening an email, a client will see a highlighted discount code, a company logo, and other eye-catching elements of the annotation.

Note: Annotations for the Top Deals section are only available in the Gmail app of some mobile devices.

Stipo has a built-in tool that allows annotating emails for the Promotions tab with just a few clicks.

Each annotation can contain up to 5 elements. Let's see how we can add these elements to the annotation.

First, click on the Settings icon at the top right corner to open the template’s settings, then turn on the control responsible for Google Promotional Annotations:

Now we can see toggle buttons for 5 annotation elements. By using them, we can add the following elements to the annotation:

  • the offer badge for showing current discounts;

  • the promocode badge, where you can add a discount code;

  • the end date of your discount offer;

  • the sender's logo so that customers could recognize a familiar brand;

  • the promo image for adding an image.

All these elements will make an email more noticeable and interesting to a customer.

It is important to note that the displaying of annotations should work only if the following conditions are met:

  • Annotations are used for bulk HTML email campaigns;

  • The email gets to the Promotions tab;

  • Subscribers have the Promotions tab;

  • The email gets to the Top Deals. It depends on subscribers' preferences, the sender’s reputation, the ESP’s reputation and, sometimes, the offer’s expiration date: if an offer expires in 3 days, it has a much higher chance of getting to the Top Deals.

For more details and recommendations on Gmail promo annotations, please, read our blog post and Google's guide.

How to translate an entire email template?

Stripo allows translating emails into all major languages (over 100). Communicate with your customers worldwide in the languages they speak. You do not need to manually re-create an email and translate the text in it; Stripo will do everything for you.

By clicking on the "Localization" button, you will be available to choose the Main language of the email and click on the "Chechmark".

After applying the main language, you can select additional languages; also, click on the "Chechmark" button.

Click on the "Translate" button then:

At the bottom of the page, you will see a pop-up window with the text that the email is being translated and then - that the translation was successful. After that, you will be able to open any translation by clicking on the "Open" buttons. The template will be updated, and you will see a different language version of the email.

Also, the translations are not perfect at this stage, so it is better to check them because the usual Google translator is used.

If you want to find more info about translation functionality, please follow this link.

How to preview and test an email template?

To open a preview, click the "Preview" button.

The Preview mode – allows you to switch to preview mode in which you can see how the email will look on desktop (on the left side of the screen) and mobile (on the right side of the screen) devices.

You can find two types of preview - AMPHTML and HTML.

Test Button – allows you to use 2 types of tests:

  • sending emails to necessary email clients.

    If you want to send an email test to a few addresses, separate them with commas;

Please keep in mind that for users of the "free" tariff plan, it is possible to send test emails only to the mailbox that is set in the profile.

  • testing email templates in various email clients and on different devices based on Email On Acid technologies.

This service shows how your emails will be displayed in various systems.

You can find out more information about this kind of test by following this link.

How to export an email template?

Export button – shows a list of all available exports from Stripo and allows you to export an email for future sending.

  • upon your click on it, you’ll see an additional window with all export options. They are divided into the "Email Provider", "Application" and "File" tabs.

Stripo is currently integrated with over 80 ESPs (the number is constantly growing). In order to export your email template from Stripo to an ESP of your choice, you need to synchronize your accounts once, and then the email will be pushed directly to your ESP.

Our help center has a list of articles where you can find information on synchronizing your Stripo account with your ESP account.

  • after you push an email template to an ESP or any other application, a new section called “Recently Used”, will appear in the “Export” window. It is developed for your convenience as it helps you find necessary export options faster.

After your email has been exported to your ESP, you will need to sign in there to send out this email to your contact base.

If your ESP is not on the list yet, you can always export/download it as an HTML file or archive, and then manually import/upload it to your marketing automation system.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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