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Email Accessibility

This article will guide you on how to enable accessibility for your email templates with Stripo.

Valeriia avatar
Written by Valeriia
Updated over a week ago

Some of your users might have different disabilities which affect how they access and engage with your emails. If they are unable to access your emails, they might get frustrated.

At Stripo, we strongly believe that email content deserves to be created with accessibility, perception, and interaction in mind for individuals with restrictions.

It is important to remember that some people may use a screen reader to access web content. These assistive devices use page elements to navigate web and email content and read text aloud. Accessible content is not just a matter of convenience but a necessity for those living with restrictions.

With Stripo's editor, emails can be made accessible for users with disabilities.

How to enable Accessibility for emails?

When your email template is ready for export, choose the "HTML" option and enable the "Support of Accessibility" control, and export it.

It automatically sets the role=presentation attribute to each table in your email that helps the screen readers for some users with disabilities.

Screen readers convert digital content into either spoken word audio or Braille.

Following this link, you will find some of the popular screen readers.


Here are some basic tips to ensure your content is accessible to everyone:

Avoid presenting all the information in images:

It is important not to hide crucial information in images. This is because individuals who rely on screen readers or have images blocked in their email clients will not be able to see the information in images or infographics. Therefore, it is recommended that you present the most important content in text format and use images only to complement that text.

Additionally, ensure that the text is easily accessible to everyone by avoiding any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Write alternative descriptive text for images:

Alt text, also known as alternative text, is a short description of an image that appears when the image cannot be displayed. Alt text should be concise, yet informative, and should highlight the image's significance to your message.

Use a link text that accurately describes the content being linked to:

It is important to ensure that the links you add to your content are clear and informative to your readers. Using vague link text, such as "click here," can be confusing and unhelpful. Instead, try to add some context to your link text. For example, using "Click here to check available discounts" gives your readers a clear idea of what they should expect when they click the link. Remember to consider the context when crafting your link text, and always strive to make it as clear and informative as possible.

Avoid justified copy in your email:

"Justified" text means that letter and word spacing are adjusted so that the text aligns with both the left and right margins. Although commonly used in print, justified text can be difficult to read because of inconsistent word spacing. On the other hand, left-aligned text has been proven to be easier to read for all.

Use headers:

Including semantic elements in emails allows screen reader users to navigate through headers easily. To make your content easily accessible and understandable, it's recommended to use HTML heading attributes such as <H1>, <H3>, and so on to identify important sections rather than relying on styles like colors or bold text.

Use appropriate color contrast:

It's important to note that subscribers with color blindness may have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors in emails. Thus, it's crucial to ensure that color isn't the sole method used to convey information.

Ensuring proper color contrast is essential for subscribers who have visual impairments. It is important to maintain a high contrast between different elements in your email, especially between the copy and background colors. One way to achieve this is by using Color Contrast Checker, which allows you to check the contrast ratio of the colors used in your email.

Write email subject lines, sentences, and paragraphs that are clear and concise.

Use bullet lists for better content organization and navigation.


Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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