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How to export email templates as HTML code?

This article helps you find more information about getting the email templates as HTML code.

Marina Krivenets avatar
Written by Marina Krivenets
Updated over a week ago

Stripo platform is currently integrated with over 80 ESPs (the number is constantly growing). However, if you couldn't find the required service or application, please leave us a request at, and we will definitely check the possibility of integration with this service.

So, if your ESP is not on the list yet, you can always export/download it as an HTML file or HTML archive and then manually import/upload it to your marketing automation system.

  • Open the needed email template and click the "Export" button located above the template editing area;

  • In the popup window, press the HTML icon;

  • Then you will be asked to choose whether to export the email as HTML file, HTML archive, or HTML code.

  • Once you’ve downloaded your email template, open it with any text (like NotePad / WordPad) or code editor to copy the code. Then paste it to any necessary ESP if the latter supports the current import method.

Difference between the HTML file and HTML archive:

When an email is exported as an HTML file, all images will be displayed as links to the servers where images are stored.

When an email is exported as an HTML archive, all images stored on our server will be saved to a separate folder in the archive. In the HTML archive, you will see the path to this folder but not to the server where images are stored.

If you choose an option as "HTML code" you have an opportunity to copy the full code of your email template straight from the editor.

Please be advised that the copy the code to the clipboard will decrease the number of available exports too.

Let's talk closer about additional options for downloading HTML files:

  • Minimizing HTML — by doing this, you will get the code with no extra characters. All line breaks, backspace, and extra characters will be removed. 

  • Setting both sizes for all images in exported code — by doing this, you set fixed dimensions for your images (width and height).

  • Support of Accessibility - It sets the role=presentation attribute that helps the screen readers for some users with disabilities. When dеactivated, the attribute role=presentation will be deleted from the HTML code.

  • Make it public in the project — Other participants in your project will be able to export the email messages to the account you added.

There are additional options for downloading an HTML archive:

  • Minimizing HTML — by doing this, you will get the code with no extra characters. All line breaks, backspace, and extra characters will be removed.

  • Setting both sizes for all images in exported code — by doing this, you set fixed dimensions for your images (width and height).

  • Support of Accessibility - It sets the role=presentation attribute that helps the screen readers for some users with disabilities. When dеactivated, the attribute role=presentation will be deleted from the HTML code.

  • Replace Image Path in HTML file - all image paths used in the email template will be pointed to the images placed in a separate folder. Otherwise, they will remain the same as they are in the template.

  • Image Folder Configuration - if you would like to create a separate folder for the images in the template when downloading the archive, please specify the folder's name. By default, all images will be stored in the /images directory.

Let's consider additional options for exporting HTML code:

  • Minimize HTML - This will reduce the weight of the email template file. All line breaks, spaces and extra characters will be deleted.

  • Set both sizes for all images in the exported code - Both sizes (height and width) will be indicated for each image within the HTML code. Basically, this is only required by some ESPs that may break image dimensions while importing the HTML file.

  • Support of Accessibility - It sets the role=presentation attribute that helps the screen readers for some users with disabilities. When dеactivated, the attribute role=presentation will be deleted from the HTML code.

Thank you for taking the time to read our articles. We hope you will find this information helpful.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at

We would be glad to talk with you.

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