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What is a Cold Email?

This article explains the definition and purpose of a cold email, as well as tips on how to write an effective one

Daria Kovalova avatar
Written by Daria Kovalova
Updated over a week ago

What is a Cold Email?

Cold emailing is a term used to describe the act of sending unsolicited emails to individuals or businesses that have had no prior interaction with you or your brand. It is a popular marketing tactic used by many businesses, particularly startups and small businesses, to reach out to potential customers and generate leads. Cold emailing, when done correctly, can be an effective way to grow your business, but it's important to understand the best practices to avoid damaging your brand and reputation.

What Makes a Cold Email Different from Other Types of Emails?

Cold emails are different from other types of emails in that they are sent to people who have not previously expressed interest in your brand or product. They are often sent as a way to introduce your business to potential customers, promote a new product or service, or generate leads. Unlike other types of emails, cold emails can be seen as intrusive and may be met with skepticism or outright hostility. It's important to approach cold emailing with sensitivity and to carefully craft your message to avoid turning off potential customers.

The Elements of a Successful Cold Email

Several key elements are necessary for a successful cold email. These include:


Personalization is essential in a cold email. You need to show the recipient that you have taken the time to research them and their business and that you have something of value to offer. Address the recipient by name and reference any specific information you have found that is relevant to them or their business.

Clear and Compelling Subject Line

The subject line of your cold email is crucial. It needs to be clear, concise, and compelling enough to entice the recipient to open the email. Avoid using generic subject lines like "Hi" or "Important Message" and instead, use something that will grab the recipient's attention.

Value Proposition

Your cold email needs to clearly communicate the value that your product or service can offer the recipient. This means highlighting the benefits and features that are most likely to appeal to them, based on your research. Be sure to make it clear what makes your product or service different from your competitors.

Call to Action

Your cold email should always include a clear call to action (CTA). This could be anything from asking the recipient to schedule a call or meeting to invite them to try your product or service. Make sure your CTA is specific, easy to understand, and not too aggressive.

Best Practices for Cold Emailing

There are several best practices that can help you maximize the effectiveness of your cold emails:

  • Research Your Recipients. Before sending a cold email, take the time to research the recipient and their business. This will help you personalize your email and make it more relevant to their needs.

  • Keep Your Email Short and to the Point. Most people receive dozens of emails every day, so it's important to keep your cold email short and to the point. Focus on the key benefits and features of your product or service, and make sure your message is easy to read and understand.

  • Follow Up. It's rare for a cold email to generate a response on the first try. Follow up with a second email a few days later, reminding the recipient of your initial email and offering further value.


Cold emailing can be a powerful marketing tool when used correctly. By following the best practices outlined above and carefully crafting your message to appeal to your target audience, you can generate leads and grow your business. Remember to personalize your emails, focus on the recipient's needs, and always include a clear call to action. With these tips, you can turn your cold emails into a powerful marketing tool that drives growth

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